
tec certification | tec certification services - eikonsem

  The Department of Telecommunication of India had mandated that any Telecome Equipment must undergo prior Mandatory Testing and Certification. Any OEM/ Importer/ Dealer who wishes to Import or sell any ( Tec certification )Telecome Equipment in India, shall have to obtain Certificate from Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC ) and Mark or Affix the Equipment with Appropriate Certification label. The TEC certificate will be released for the model of the Telecome Equipment and the validity for the certificate will be Five Years. This order will come into Effect from 1-Oct-2019 for some products, and more products will be added in different phases. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF SCHEMES IN TEC MTCTE? SIMPLIFIED CERTIFICATION SCHEME: Under this scheme the Applicant has to submit a test wise compliance sheet with Self Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) on the MTCTE portal. All other Rules/Procedures applicable in case of GCS shall apply in case of SCS, except that test reports are...

tec certification | MTCTE Certification Services in India - eikonsem

  The Department of Telecommunication of India had mandated that any Telecome Equipment must undergo prior Mandatory Testing and Certification. Any OEM/ Importer/ Dealer who wishes to Import or sell any Telecome Equipment in India, shall have to obtain Certificate from Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC) and Mark or Affix the Equipment with Appropriate Certification label. The TEC certificate will be released for the model of the Telecome Equipment and the validity for the certificate will be Five Years. This order will come into Effect from 1-Oct-2019 for some products, and more products will be added in different phases. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF SCHEMES IN TEC MTCTE? SIMPLIFIED CERTIFICATION SCHEME:   Under this scheme the Applicant has to submit a test wise compliance sheet with Self Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) on the MTCTE portal. All other Rules/Procedures applicable in case of GCS shall apply in case of SCS, except that test reports are not required t...

Management System Certification | Management System Certifications - eikonsem

  Why have a management system certification? In the past, corporate environmental protection was primarily aimed at systematic monitoring of on-site impact, in particular with regard to statutory compliance. Today, professional Environmental Management Systems (EMS) work strategically, making employees aware of environmental protection and preventing negative environmental effects. A successful EMS orients your company towards sustainability and ensures continuous improvement through appropriate measures. What is ISO certification ? Information Security Management System Certification  is the International Standard Designed to specify the requirements for the implementation of the Security Controls in an Organization. The AIM of ISO 27001 is a consistent and centrally controlled Management system for Protecting Information. In Addition threats to all business processes are reduced by effective monitoring and control of IT Security Risks. Certification of the ISMS is a confirm...

Management System Certification : ISO Certification - eikonsen

  Management Systems Certification  Management Systems Certification   is critical to the success of a business. Discover how ABS QE is committed to helping to achieve that success. ISO's management system standards (MSS) are among the most widely used and recognized documents that we publish. They include standards such as ISO​ providers of accredited management systems certification. We offer a broad portfolio of services within management system certification and related services. Management systems certification should help your organization improve your business processes to reduce waste, increase sustainability and Reduce the impact of auditing on your organization. Contract SGS to achieve Integrated Management Systems Certification. Find out more. Why do organizations obtain management system certification · Comply with customer requirements and government regulations and standards · Protect the IAS accreditation to ISO/IEC Standard 17021 ensures acceptance in the ...

CE Certification | CE Certification India - eikonsem

  CE Certification India And Its Advantages For most of the European Union Countries, CE Certification is a compulsory process. Before the final launch of any product, it is important to verify the quality. Moreover, to impress a customer  CE certification  is really vital. To abide by the new directives of the land, every manufacturer should apply for a CE certificate. Furthermore, it is applicable also to the manufactured products to be supplied to the European Union Countries. For applying for a CE Mark or Certificate, you have to follow certain steps. There are multiple consultants also to guide you in this respect. According to the directives of European Union Countries, first, determine the particular need of your product. Without this, you will not be able to proceed any further. This content will give you a brief idea about  CE Certification  and the procedure for  company certification   . You should read and understand these steps very well. ...

Management System Certification - eikonsem

  Information Security Management System is the International Standard Designed to specify the requirements for the implementation of the Security Controls in an Organization. The AIM of ISO 27001 is a consistent and centrally controlled Management system for Protecting Information. In Addition threats to all business processes are reduced by effective monitoring and control of IT Security Risks. Certification of the ISMS is a confirmation from Independent, Competent And Accredited Agency that the organization is adhering to the Internationally recognized information Security System Standard. Benefits of ISO 27001 Control of IT risks. Reduce the chances of Security Breaches within your IT Environment. 2. ISO 14001:2015-ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM In the past, corporate environmental protection was primarily aimed at systematic monitoring of on-site impact, in particular with regard to statutory compliance. Today, professional Environmental   Management System Certification ...

MTCTE | MTCTE Certification In India - eikonsem

  Know How To Get MTCTE Certification In India Mandatory Testing And Certification of Telecom Equipment. This is what  MTCTE Certification  stands for. This is for the uninitiated. The Telecommunication Engineering centre or TEC is a regulatory body for telecom products. It is also the technical body behind the telecom products. TEC offer the standards, against which various parameters are set. You would have probably come across several telecom products that abide by it. It also acts as the body that certifies telecom products. Many telecom products occupying a pie in the Indian market work as per the guidelines, that TEC sets. The governing body tests the telecom products to check their conformity to the existing guidelines. TEC issues the certificates. Companies which make such telecom products need to submit an application for certification, online. Thereafter, the other procedures follow. Moreover, most of the manufacturers need to know about the guidelines. You need...