tec certification | tec certification services - eikonsem
The Department of Telecommunication of India had mandated that any Telecome Equipment must undergo prior Mandatory Testing and Certification. Any OEM/ Importer/ Dealer who wishes to Import or sell any ( Tec certification )Telecome Equipment in India, shall have to obtain Certificate from Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC ) and Mark or Affix the Equipment with Appropriate Certification label. The TEC certificate will be released for the model of the Telecome Equipment and the validity for the certificate will be Five Years. This order will come into Effect from 1-Oct-2019 for some products, and more products will be added in different phases. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF SCHEMES IN TEC MTCTE? SIMPLIFIED CERTIFICATION SCHEME: Under this scheme the Applicant has to submit a test wise compliance sheet with Self Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) on the MTCTE portal. All other Rules/Procedures applicable in case of GCS shall apply in case of SCS, except that test reports are...